EXCEL Tutorial - How to build a financial calculator participation of Compounding

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You can create a nearly infinite variety of calculators for the right to build your application in MS Excel.

There, you see how you can create your own 10-year financial interest compounding calculator that would help, as the amount of $ 100 per year increase in your interest is an x per cent on an annual basis.

1) Start a spreadsheet in Excel.

2) Reserve the cell A1 of the dollar amount of the most important. Think about how your"Deposit" in the bank.

3) cell B1 reserve your annual interest rate (entered as a decimal number like 5.6 or 34.8, etc.).

4) In cell C1, enter the following formula in the text entry bar directly above the table, and then click on the green box symbol to save the formula in cell C1:

= A1 + ((A1/100) * B1)

This formula takes the number in cell A1 is divided into 100 and then multiply by the annual interest rate B1, and thenadd it to the original amount of A1, to give you the total amount compounded at the end of the first year. For example, to deposit $ 100 (A1) at 5% per annum (B1), where the value of C1 should be $ 105.

Now comes the fun part.

5) Click and select cell C1 so that Excel cell should display a black rectangle around. If you move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell, place the cursor in a sign of dark and thin, even more ("+").

6) Click and dragcell C1 down as the cells you want along the C-pillar This automatically copies the formula in C1 to all the other cells - but not perfect. Now you have to adjust each formula slightly.

If you do not correct the cell C2, you see the following formula:

= A2 + ((A2/100) * B2)

7) Do not change this, by all the "A2" to "C1", because it would have aggravated the amount A2 C1 s, not the quantity in (which is empty).

Thus, the correct formula for C2is:

= C1 + ((C1/100) * B1)

Similarly, the right formula for C10:

= C9 + ((C9/100) * B1)

Now is your computer is ready for testing.

Plug in 100 A 1 and 5 for B1 and you have dollars, $ 162.8 at the end of 10 years.

What happens if interest rates rose one percentage point to 6%? Change B1 to 6 and you have dollars, $ 179 at the end of 10 years.

You can easily expand this calculator to 20 or 30 years making the necessaryadditional rows in column C and adjusting the formula for each cell accordingly, as explained above.

Happy saving!

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